Mobile App for Visceral Vision's CultureBrew.Art
Back to ProjectsCultureBrew.Art (CBA) is a website portal developed by Visceral Visions to support Indigenous and racialized artists who work in the literary, performing, and media arts to be seen and find opportunities across a number of sectors in Canada.
This project aims to develop a mobile app derived from CultureBrew.Art that will build connection and collaboration between artists, particularly those who reside in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities. The project vision is that the app would be a sort of “Tinder” for BIPOC artists: artists will be able to search for other artists in relatively close proximity who share their identity intersections (racial/ethnic, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, etc), artistic disciplines, and areas of interest. By using geolocation, artists will be able to locate other artists nearby whether in their hometown, traveling, or working across the country. Artists will also be able to message one another to connect and create collaboration opportunities between them.